The Pantheon I have noticed is extremely busy every time I go there. There are usually a crowd of people standing around outside of the church observing it's design. Being that it is a popular area with lots of resturaunts and shops there are constantly people stopping outside of the Pantheon even just for a moment to glance at it (I have noticed this more with the Italians). Inside of the church is even more hectic. There is a constant flow of traffic moving around and it is usually pretty noisy. This still stands out to me as such a unique church because I feel that it isnt as"traditional" in the sense of attire and being allowed to take pictures like some other churches are. A big attraction for people seems to be the art work that aligns all the way around that walls. You also notice many people staring up at the dome for quite some time and tryin to snap photos of everything they are seeing. You hear a lot of people discussing how amazing the ceiling is and how large and unique this Church is.
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